New Beginning

03 Sep 2024


I’ve never learned with TypeScript before, but I’m not new to it. It’s very similar to Javascript. TypeScript is a lightweight, interpreted or just-in-time compiled programming language with function precedence. Although it is famous as a scripting language for developing Web pages, it is also used in many non-browser environments. TypeScript is based on prototype programming, a multi-paradigm dynamic scripting language, and supports object-oriented, imperative, declarative, and functional programming paradigm.

TypeScript and Java are two different programming languages, and despite their similar names, their designs and uses are very different. Java is designed to provide a portable, safe, and efficient programming language. TypeScript is a scripting language originally designed to add interactivity to web pages. TypeScript was designed to provide a simple and easy-to-use programming language to make web pages more dynamic and interactive. The release of the ES6 standard has further enhanced TypeScript programming capabilities. The updated ECMAScript version adds many new features to TypeScript, making TypeScript more readable, maintainable and extensible. The core features of ES6 include arrow functions, template literals, destructuring, classes, modules, etc.

I think the education model of WODS is very novel. You can write about the knowledge you have learned in a limited time. Tomorrow will be my first official WODS. I am a little nervous and a little excited because there will be WODS every week this semester. This is the fastest and most effective way to test your learning results.